The Israeli Innovation Authority offices
The Israel Innovation Authority previously known as the Office of the Chief Scientist of Israel's Ministry of Economy is the support arm of the Israeli government, charged with fostering the development of industrial R&D within the State of Israel.
With the Innovation Authority’s relocation to their new offices in Jerusalem, a wide variety of spaces were needed to be taken care of: conference rooms, guest and media areas, glass hallways, employee and management offices and more.
Solutions were created from the largest wall, through specific signage needs to branded pillows.
Overall we designed 3 large floors in two different buildings.
Made whilst working at Firma. business design
Creative Diractors: Aviram Ben-Shushan, Meital Rettig, Elad Mishan
Studio: Einat Zilberstain, Ligraphy Studio
The Israeli Innovation Authotity’s brand by: Aviram Ben-Shushan
Intirior design: Michal Rosen
Photographer: Katya Lin
Creative Diractors: Aviram Ben-Shushan, Meital Rettig, Elad Mishan
Studio: Einat Zilberstain, Ligraphy Studio
The Israeli Innovation Authotity’s brand by: Aviram Ben-Shushan
Intirior design: Michal Rosen
Photographer: Katya Lin